Summit attendees discuss how their organizations are stronger by collaborating together.

Here’s what members have to say about Health-ISAC membership and events


Prospect statement after hearing all of the Membership benefits…

Honestly, this is outstanding. I’m at a loss for words. I’m blown away with Health-ISAC being such an amazing value.”


From a healthcare delivery organization


Member statement during a Member Engagement Team check-in…

“Health-ISAC membership has been an invaluable asset to our cybersecurity program and efforts.”


From a healthcare delivery organization


Prague Workshop feedback on LinkedIn…

I had the honor to speak at the very first Health-ISAC workshop of the year hosted by MSD Czech Republic. 
It was a very enriching experience thanks to the participants from both the Private & Public sectors. 
My main take away is that by sharing valuable information with each other we all get stronger, and with that we manage to serve our patients better. 


From a Member at a global pharmaceuticals company


Spring and Fall Americas Summit…

I just want to reiterate how well-done the Health-ISAC summits are. Our team gets a tremendous amount of value out of them and are getting more involved in the working groups.


From the 2022 Annual Member Survey



Fall Americas Summit feedback..

What a tremendous week last week at the Health-ISAC Fall Summit! We had the privilege to sponsor the Summit and facilitate the launch of the Supply Chain Security Framework which is now available for members of the Health-ISAC. This would not have been possible without the leadership of the Supply Chain Security working group.


From a Sponsor


Member statement during a Member Engagement Team check-in…

Health-ISAC is amazing.

The publications, the research, the webinars, and the sharing via the mailing list or WeeSecrets is incredibly helpful and collaborative.

Everyone I’ve dealt with at Health-ISAC has been amazing and the conferences are the best I’ve ever been to.


From a Member at a Health Delivery Organization

2022 European Health-ISAC Summit in Portugal…

Adoro as imagens e o relatório desta conferência importante para cyber segurança na Europa e para a nossa bela área da saúde. Muitas inspirações para todos! Obrigado por dedicarem tempo e paixão para a nossa causa🙏

I love the images and report of this important conference for cyber security in Europe and for our beautiful area of health. Lots of inspirations for everyone! Thank you for dedicating time and passion to our cause🙏

From an attendee's post on LinkedIn

2022 Spring Americas Health-ISAC Summit in Florida…

 I met inspiring professionals and sat in many insightful sessions about Shared Responsibility, Business Resilience, and more.

I’m grateful to HEALTH-ISAC for these opportunities to share information, connect, and productively improve the health industry together.

I learned so much in such a short amount of time.

From an attendee's post on LinkedIn

Member statement during a Member Engagement Team check-in……

“Wow, I am so pleased to see all of the great resources. Thank you so much for welcoming me and sharing all of the information I needed so clearly. I was able to get on and get everything set.”

From a Healthcare Delivery Organization

2022 Health-ISAC Security Workshop in London…

This is my first Health-ISAC workshop, I really enjoyed it. I would love to attend additional events in EMEA.

Great work! Loved attending and will be back!

Very enjoyable and love the networking elements!

From the post-workshop survey

The October 2021 Health-ISAC Summit in the Netherlands…

Great location, very well organized and managed. Kudos to the team on a really great job…

All of the content was good, the schedule was perfect, no very early starts which allowed us to get some work done also and plenty of time for networking which is very important.

Loved it, everything about the conference!

From the post-Summit attendee survey

2022 Health-ISAC Security Workshop in Japan…

Threats in the Dark Net were explained in detail and well understood.

It was good to get a lot of information regarding the reality of ransomware attacks.

The Hospital case study was very informative as it vividly conveyed the hardships faced in the field.

From the post-exercise survey

Regarding Health-ISAC’s Monthly Threat Briefing in 2022…

Real world examples are very helpful; thank you for already including them and not just speaking about what they “may” look like.

I belong to a number of orgs – Health-ISAC is the only monthly presentation that I honestly pay attention to!

Great content and great update! I liked the balance and was very interested in the events and global threats / terrorism.

From a Member survey

2022 Health-ISAC Security Workshops in the US…

The security workshop was a great learning opportunity. I especially appreciated the professionally diverse crowd from various organizations.

It was an excellent opportunity to learn, network, and participate. Thank you for the invite and time spent with so many individuals working together to help secure their organizations and maintain data integrity along with patient safety.
Very valuable event.

From the post-exercise survey

2021 Rethinking Resiliency Exercise Series…


Really enjoyed the exercise. I think it was good to go through the scenarios and what would be done…Thanks for holding the exercise and all Health-ISAC does for the community.

I thoroughly enjoyed this exercise. This was the first of it’s kind I’ve attended and look forward to participating in more of these exercises. I execute tabletop exercises for our Incident Response team, and this was a great experience for networking, sharing, and really ensuring that the way we approach and respond meets industry standards. I appreciate the perspective of others, and I thought it was great that it was a VERY interactive exercise…

From the post-exercise survey

Health-ISAC’s crucial threat intelligence… 

As we are heading towards the end of 2020, we can now tell how crucial TI [threat intelligence] has become to our network security this year. Information sharing and mutual learning via Health-ISAC has made us more knowledgeable and capable to deal with the evolving cyber security challenges.

From a member (Threat Intelligence Analyst at a global pharmaceuticals company)

Relevant information, a strong defensive posture… 

Every single day I’m getting emails that are important, that matter. We collaborate with our peers to figure out “Hey, what are you doing? Here’s what we’re doing. Does it match up? Can we learn something?” Without Health-ISAC, the [member organizations] would not be in the same defensive posture as they are right now.

From a Director of Cyber Risk Defense at a healthcare system

Collectively stronger together… 

I think we’ve done what other industries wish they could do and trust each other in a way where we can be successful collectively. Together. The Health-ISAC [sharing community] has a lot to be thankful for and proud of. We have advanced our industry, advanced our community and put in the work to make sure we are collectively stronger together and that is an amazing feat.

From a VP, CISO at a Pharmaceutical Company

Expedient shared intelligence… 

[As a member], you get to constantly watch where the puck is headed and know the “gotchas” before the hitting, so it’s great! There has been real growth in the maturity and the open transparency with which the [members] are sharing information.

From a CISO at a healthcare delivery organization

An expansion of our security team.. 

From the moment we joined, it was like flicking on a light switch – we got so much information and it has been invaluable. Health-ISAC really helped us expand our staffing because we have a small intelligence footprint. Not a day goes by that we don’t share into Health-ISAC and work with other members. Threat actors are trying to exploit the pandemic and monetize it in any way they can, so getting information about how that’s happening before it reaches you and your organization is vital and Health-ISAC has done an excellent job at that this year.

From the Head of Information Security at a global clinical research company

A great deal of trust.. 

There is a great deal of trust between the members because we are all in this together. It is a race against the adversary, so we need to make sure we get our answers as quickly as possible with the highest level of quality possible.

From a CISO at a biopharmaceutical company

Friends on the battlefield… 

We share with each other like friends on the battlefield. My people are using the [Health-ISAC] platforms and technologies to collect and I’m using the [Health-ISAC] reports on what’s going on in the cybersecurity and threat space.

From a Director of IT Risk Management Security at a pharmaceutical manufacturer

From a member when asked about the value of their membership…

Absolutely love it, and I cannot imagine managing and protecting our technology resources without this resource.  The contributions from the intelligence community, in real-time, are extremely helpful in strengthening our security posture. 

Gary Diemert, Director of IT, Mason General Hospital & Family of Clinics

We’re looking forward to sponsoring Health-ISAC’s Spring Summit!… 

Just wanted to say that the (Fall Summit) show was excellent, and thank you so much for organizing it! Our team had a great time, really benefited from the quality of attendees and discussion. The Grand Rounds was the highest-praised part of the event.

From a sponsor

From a CISO who decided Health-ISAC was worth joining…

It’s great to see what you have done with Health-ISAC.

I think it’s time for us to re-open the discussion about ________ Health System becoming a member.

Why Health-ISAC’s Daily Update is of high value…

The monthly newsletter is relevant as are the daily updates.  I turned off my Infragard subscription as yours is more timely and contains better content.

Robert Winter, Director, Information Security at Boulder Community Health

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Healthcare & Public Health Critical Infrastructure Resilience

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