Webinar by

Wednesday, November 17th at 10:00 am PT / 1:00 pm ET

Removing the Fog of War: Tackling 3 Big Challenges for Security Teams

In this webinar, we’ll look at three practical challenges that seriously impede an organization’s security strategy. In the 2021 State of Threat Hunting and the Role of the Analyst survey, 66% of 1778 respondents said they lacked visibility into their own network and 56% said they lacked visibility across their supply chains.

Lack of visibility, the existence of legitimate business processes that cannot be blocked, and the fact that large organizations are plagued with alerting noise present challenges that can only be overcome by looking at your enterprise and third-party ecosystem from the perspective of the cyber attacker.

Of note, highly regulated industries, such as the pharmaceuticals industry, have seen a facet of third-party risk that many don’t realize exists; threat actors targeting an organization’s regulators with ransomware and other attacks.

During this presentation, David Monnier, Team Cymru Fellow and Head of Infrastructure and Services, will illustrate the operational and financial outcomes associated with making external threat hunting a strategic priority. He will also walk through a Cobalt Strike C2 mapping exercise as an example of what elite teams at many organizations are doing today to put themselves in a position to do the following…

  • Block phishing attacks
  • Identify impending attacks against themselves and third parties
  • Detect compromises within supply chain enterprises
  • Improve alert validation and prioritization
  • Optimize incident response from root cause analysis to remediation

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Times listed below are EST

  •  11/17/2021
     1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
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