2024 is Health-ISAC’s 8th Year as a Cybersecurity Awareness Champion.

Each October, public and private organizations around the world dedicate the month to cybersecurity awareness messaging. This year, Health-ISAC is sharing resources from the United States, Europe, and Australia.

The U.S. National Cybersecurity Alliance celebrates 21 years of Cybersecurity Awareness Month and has again partnered with the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) with their joint evergreen theme; “Secure Our World.”

Coordinated by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the European Commission, the European Cybersecurity Month (ECSM) is the European Union’s annual campaign dedicated to promoting cybersecurity among EU citizens and organisations, and to providing up-to-date online security information through awareness raising and sharing of good practices. 

The Australian Cyber Security Centre’s 2023 overarching theme is “Be cyber wise; don’t compromise.” Other key messaging for the month from ACSC are listed below..

In addition to opening some Member resources to the public, such as Daily Cyber Headlines, Health-ISAC has created informational videos to reinforce cyber hygiene and will be sharing them all month on social media. #cybersecurity #secureourworld

Scroll Down for Cybersecurity Videos and Resources

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Health-ISAC Daily Cyber Headlines

During the month of October, Health-ISAC will be providing a special public version of the Daily Cyber Headlines we send out each day to our membership. These are current articles selected by the Health-ISAC Threat Operations Center that are of particular interest to healthcare security stakeholders and will be placed on this page each day and shared on Health-ISAC’s social media platforms.

Oct 2 Oct 3 Oct 4 Oct 5 Oct 6
Holiday Oct 10 Oct 11 Oct 12 Oct 13
Oct 16 Oct 17 Oct 18 Oct 19 Oct 20
Oct 23 Oct 24 Oct 25 Oct 26 Oct 27
Oct 30 Oct 31


National Cybersecurity Alliance resources

This year marks the 20th Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Like technology, Cybersecurity Awareness Month has grown rapidly. People now celebrate Cybersecurity Awareness Month all over the world! As we become more dependent on technology, it’s more important than ever to strengthen and adapt our cybersecurity habits.

European Union Agency for Cybersecurity resources

 ENISA dives deep into Social Engineering, where cybercriminals employ clever manipulation tactics to breach our security defenses. #ECSM2023

#BeSmarterThanAHacker is the 2023 motto that refers to the knowledge and tools we need to protect ourselves from cybercriminals.

Join us throughout October as we unravel the world of Social Engineering. From phishing emails to impersonation scams, we will decode the tactics that hackers use and empower all to recognize and thwart their efforts

Australian Cyber Security Center resources

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month and an annual reminder for all Australians to stay secure online. Find shareable resources for Cyber Security Awareness Month. Be Cyber Wise – Don’t Compromise.

HSCC Security Podcasts

The “Cybersecurity for the Clinician” video training series totaling 47 minutes among eight videos explains in easy, non-technical language what clinicians and students in the medical profession need to understand about how cyber attacks can affect clinical operations and patient safety, and how to do your part to help keep healthcare data, systems and patients safe from cyber threats.



Share this one-minute video about SECURING PASSWORDS with coworkers, friends, and family. Health-ISAC Chief Security Officer, Errol Weiss, shares some quick tips. The best defense is a good offense!

Link to video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/L1ZYfHBEjus




The best defense is a good offense. Share this one-minute video about using MULTI-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION on all of your accounts with coworkers, friends, and family. Health-ISAC Chief Security Officer, Errol Weiss, gives some quick tips.

Link to video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/xfpf0dgV3yg





It is so easy to be up-to-date. Share this one-minute video about keeping your systems up to date with coworkers, friends, and family. Health-ISAC Chief Security Officer, Errol Weiss, shares gives a few quick tips. The best defense is a good offense!

Link to video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/JXy5rqZGVIk





Watch and share this one-minute video about recognizing phishing emails and messages and verifying them WITHOUT clicking. Pass this video link to coworkers, friends, and family. Health-ISAC Chief Security Officer Errol Weiss shares some quick tips. The best defense is a good offense!

Link to video on YouTube:








AI takes less than 3 seconds or recorded voice to impersonate a voice, including emotional reflections. Health-ISAC’s VP of Medical Device Security, Phil Englert, offers more tips in this video, including:

Be a skeptic, especially of unsolicited offers or requests. Learn to ask yourself not only is this truthful? But also Is it real?

Watch and share this video on Zoom Clips:




Learn 5 quick tips from Health-ISAC’s VP Medical Device Security, Phil Englert, to ensure you are only sharing the data you want to share with wearable devices, including smart watches. Speaking of sharing, please share this with friends and family.

Link to video on Zoom Clips:






What can we do to ensure these wearable devices, from smart watches to insulin
pumps, and the personal health data they collect are secure? Health-ISAC’s chief security officer, Errol Weiss asks these questions to Phil Englert, Health-ISAC’s new director of medical devices security. This is a 5-minute video worthy of watching for everyone in our families.

Link to video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/6-_vKzO65vs

Links to resources mentioned in the video:



Health-ISAC’s Chief Security Officer, Errol Weiss, shares easy-to-apply cybersecurity tips to keep your email, smartphones, personal accounts secure and how to safely browse the internet avoid becoming a victim.
Link to video on YouTube:  https://youtu.be/S2z3htwQXhMh


Health-ISAC Chief Security Officer, Errol Weiss, shares some easy-to-implement tips and tricks secure your email with multi-factor authentication (MFA), how to recognize and avoid clicking on “urgent” phishing emails and messages, how to do monthly updates on all your internet-connected systems and why you should. Video includes useful links to get these security changes implemented quickly. Please give this video and thumbs up and share it with your friends and family, especially during October’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month. 

Link to video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/0QRC0QrVcZk

Shareable Slides

Download the slide presentation from the above video for useful cybersecurity tips anyone can put into action today.

Link to slide deck:

H-ISAC is all about increasing cyber resilience in the healthcare sector. We are interested in disseminating actionable content that is in keeping with security thought leadership. In alignment with this statement, we do not require your email to download original content from our website.

Health-ISAC will be adding tips to this page each week during the month of October, so please stay tuned.

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