July’s Newsletter features:

  • — Health-ISAC’s 2022 EU SummitCall for Papers closes July 29th.  Summit will be in Algarve, Portugal 
  • — New TOC staff – Welcome to our new analysts
  • — H-ISAC at RSA — Health-ISAC signs the Cyber Risk Management Pledge
  • — Working Group Spotlight — Information Protection
  • — Webinar Spotlight– Health-ISAC Ambassador webinar by CipherTrace, a Mastercard Company 
  • — Community Services Spotlight — AdvIntel
  • — Upcoming Events —  Conferences and Webinars


Pdf version:

July Newsletter



Text version:

Health-ISAC’s 2022 EU Summit

Casting the Security Net…

Embracing the Portuguese fishing culture, Health-ISAC invites healthcare security stakeholders to gather together this October 18-20 in beautiful and engraçada Algarve, Portugal to fill your nets with nourishing resources and vital peer connections. Pois é! Call For Papers is open and we need your topics!

Submit a brief abstract by July 29th to be considered by
Health-ISAC’s Member-led Content Committee.

Learn more or submit your topics here:






London – June 29 Healthcare Security Workshop

San Francisco – June 7 RSA Member Meetup

Washington D.C. – July 28 Hobby Exercise




Additions to the TOC’s Global Team


Located in The Hague, Netherlands, Fidel Velásquez began contributing to the TOC in February 2022. Fidel authored the first co-branded Health-ISAC/Auto-ISAC intelligence report, focused on Conti Ransomware threat actors. He supports Health-ISAC members in Europe, participates in regional events, and ensures US-based analysts are aware of emerging threats or vulnerabilities potentially impacting the sector.


Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst Dylan Hall joined Health-ISAC in June. Dylan received a master’s degree in Security and Intelligence Studies from the University of Pittsburgh. At Health-ISAC’s Threat Operations Center in Titusville, Florida, Dylan focuses on the accurate collection of network information and employs intelligence analysis to identify threats and  vulnerabilities in the healthcare sector.


Ethan Muntz joined Health-ISAC in June as a Strategic Threat Analyst to spearhead  strategic intelligence initiatives. Ethan’s Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University  degree focused on global security and intelligence studies. In Titusville, he will also   leverage his six years of Chinese culture and language studies toward expanding understanding of international political dynamics and threat actor motivations.






Health-ISAC is proud to participate in this Cyber Risk Management Pledge, launched by Coalition to Reduce Cyber Risk (@CR2) and announced at the RSA Conference.


Health-ISAC pledged to enhance cyber resiliency and counter
evolving cross-border cyber threats such as the growth of ransomware.


Learn more here:









Members focused on or interested in this area are welcome to join the Information Protection Working Group!


Help shape these discussions:


  • – Alignment of information protection programs with business needs and compliance requirements
  • – Value from technological investments
  • – How to define and measure success
  • – Risk reduction of data leakage across the healthcare industry

Currently meeting every other month, the next meeting is Thursday, August 25th at 12pm ET.
To engage with this group, send an email to: contact@h-isac.org.




Cryptocurrency and healthcareImproving Patients’ Lives or Enabling more ransomware?

This Health-ISAC Ambassador webinar by CipherTrace, a Mastercard Company is on July 27 at 2pm ET.

Learn more here:






AdvIntel is a threat prevention and loss avoidance company launched by a team of certified investigators, reverse engineers, and security experts.  Their Andariel®
Platform helps to combat fraud, ransomware, and botnets by providing early-warning alerting, applied threat intelligence and long-term strategic services to the private sector and government organizations.

Learn more here:





Find more information on these Events here:



July 12 Health-ISAC presentation: iSMG Hybrid Summit

– Microsoft and Health-ISAC Disrupt Ransomware Botnet


July 17-19 Booth: AHA Leadership Conference, San Diego

– Come say “hi” and ask questions about Membership


July 21 Health-ISAC Navigator webinar by Zimperium

– Welcome to the New “mHealth”Golden Age:
What are the Mobile Security Implications?



Monthly Member Events



Monthly Threat Briefing

7/26 – Fourth Tuesday of each
month at 12pm ET.


Community Services ETC Update

7/28 – Fourth Thursday of each
month at 12pm ET.

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